Wednesday, August 10, 2016


More than hundred of de@ad bodies were found at Ganga River at Uttar Pradesh, India. The 102 bodies were found floating near the village of Pariyar, in Uttar Pradesh, India's most-populous state. They were too badly decomposed for post-mortem examinations or identification. The bodies were found in bad condition as they were about decaying. After Narendra Modi, PM of India has started Ganga cleaning campaign then these de@ad bodies are found in the river.Millions of Hindus practice open-air cremation, with the ashes of loves ones scattered in the revered but heavily polluted Ganges. But poor families who can not afford enough wood and other materials for the burning ceremony sometimes place the bod@ies in the water, while others are not cremated entirely. While it is illegal to dispose of the dead in rivers, some practicing Hindus also believe that giving an unwed girl a water burial will ensure she is born again into the family. The bo@dies of some holy men are also placed in the river instead of being cremated, in accordance with tradition. The Hindu nationalist government of Narendra Modi has vowed to clean up the Ganges. But the discovery of so many bodies in one place has intensified environmental and health concerns.

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